Wednesday, March 7, 2012

HTC Flyer Try it,Taste it KEEP IT!!!

HTC Flyer Try it,Taste it KEEP IT!!!

Click here: Did You see our Facebook page: The Flyer isn't part of the pack of tablets running the latest version of Google's Android software, 3.0 Honeycomb. Instead, HTC has slapped its Sense custom user interface, seen on the company's smart phones, over the top of Android 2.4 Gingerbread. For those keeping track of version numbers, Android 2.4 and Android 2.3 are both known as 'Gingerbread', since these two versions of the operating system are almost identical. Android 3.0 Honeycomb is a version specifically designed for tablets, rather than for smart phones. Sticking to the older version of Android has given HTC the time to customise the interface significantly. We haven't seen the Flyer's user interface in action yet, but HTC told us that it's tweaked all of its apps to take advantage of the tablet's extra screen space. For example, the email app will have two panels, showing your inbox and an email at the same time. HTC is one of! the only companies that's done a great job of skinning Android. Its Sense user interface has been making geeky phone software better-looking and easier to use ever since it first appeared on the Hero. Consequently, we're cautiously optimistic about HTC's software efforts on the Flyer. We also loved the Samsung Galaxy Tab, even though it only ran Android 2.2, so there's hope for the Flyer too. But â€" and this is a big but â€" the Galaxy Tab came out about five months ago, before Honeycomb was even out. At ...