Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mirror Mirror; ONE {Part One}

Mirror Mirror; ONE {Part One}

Ella ran through the forest. She ran to try and get away from the hurt. The pain. She had just cough her boyfriend, the love of her life, Charlie, in bed with her sister Amber. Ella never thought her sister would do that to her. They were sisters, after all. Ella kept running, her bare feet scrunching the autumn leaves. It was cold, she only had on a pair of denim shorts and a tank top, but she didn't care. All she wanted was away from the hurt. The pain. Ella's foot got cough up in a tree branch that was sticking out from the ground. She fell. Her whole body hitting the cold, damp ground, hard. Ella pushed herself up, wiping her forehead with her hands, leaving a trail of mud on her forehead. Ella continued to run, to escape the pain that was killing her from the inside out. She cam upon a open stop in the forest. There was nothing around only the trees and grass. But there, in the middle of the open spot, was a mirror. Ella slowly walked to it. She wondered what it was doi! ng there. The mirror was lovely. Like no mirror she had seen before. It was an oval shape. Big. The frame a lovely sliver, covered with sparkles and jewels. Ella looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was rotten. Mud covered her knees and her arms, and even on her forehead. Her white tank top was filthy. Ella looked closely at herself. Her emerald eyes seemed to have lost their sparkle, her normally beautiful redish hair was now dall and lifeless. It's amazing how one guy could make her feel so ...